This project is taken from our 6 person 3rd year master's group project which can be found here
Due to the proposed system being an adaptation of several High Value Manufacturing (HVM) concepts, a centralised interface becomes an integral component, acting as a point from which information is taken from and fed back to the users. A well-designed UI is also desirable because the system consists largely of autonomous components and processes, therefore, the users experience with the system as a whole will depend heavily on the UI and how they interact with it in order to perform tasks. Albeit a smaller part of the larger system, the user interface performs 4 vital tasks: |
After a proper definition was established, an understanding of the state-of-the-art in user interface design for industrial applications was needed. Effort was made to become knowledgeable of the types of interfaces that are available today, and how UIs were designed for industrial plant operators. Doing this was important as it was found that badly designed HMIs were found to be large contributing factors to industrial disasters. In order to avoid this, it was found that the general guidelines for an industrial UI are as follows: |
Requirements |
Tools and Technology Behind User Interface |
Initial research was performed in order to be better suited to choose which languages and tools would be used to implement the user interface. After much consideration a decision was made to not use Python and instead use a combination of HTML, CSS, Javascript and JQuery. This was chosen because it was apparent that significantly more support could be found online and in literature on creating a web-app using these tools. Additionally, creating a website rather than an installable application had the added advantage of being more accessible, without the need for distribution and installation across the plant. Despite having clear requirements at the beginning of the project in terms of what was generally expected of the UI, specifics regarding the exact structure, content and features of the user interface were not detailed. As a result, a degree of freedom was available when implementing functionality but also required that features were added alongside the development of the real system so that the UI reflected what was truly possible. Therefore, the implementation of the user interface became lean. A systems approach was still maintained with respect to verifying requirements and validating the UI against these, but a modular approach was adopted so that updates could be easily and continually made. |
HTML5 was first used to provide the basic structure to the web pages. A consistent page structure was established from this stage itself in order to meet the requirement of expandability. Commonly used elements such as headers, paragraph and anchor tags were used to do this, while using good coding practices in order to improve code readability. As the UI was part of an industrial Human Machine Interface, it was necessary to register and act upon user interactions. This was not possible using HTML and CSS alone, so a combination of Javascript and jQuerry was used. |
UI Elements and Pages |
The development of the user interface began with creating the landing page which in the case of this HMI would be the log-In screen. |
Landing Page |
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Despite being minimal in appearance the web app implemented other features within the code that are not immediately evident. For instance the functionality for users to save email addresses and their associated passwords was added in order to reduce time taken by users when repeatedly filling in the same form before moving on to the task at hand. Additionally, information alerts were used to notify users that incorrectly entered their email by providing the required format. These features were added in the hope of increasing the ease of use and speeding up workflow when performing repetitive tasks. All other pages were made with the aim of being consistent with this design. |
Menu Page |
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The user is immediately made aware of the continuity when progressing to the main menu. Similar to the log in page main content was aligned with the center of the screen in order to focus the user’s attention and activity to a smaller location in the hopes of increasing efficiency. Here, the main focus when creating this page other than being consistent with the overall design strategy was to implement modular design. This was done by defining several classes using CSS within style tags in the HTML code.These classes included form buttons, form submit and page title. For each of these classes, properties such as absolute/relative position, font family, width, height, padding etc. were defined. These allowed additional pages as well as other elements such as buttons and forms to be easily added in a modular design as part of a lean implementation alongside the development of new functionality in the real system. An example of a task page that can accessible from the main menu is the Item Order page. |
Item Order Page |
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The item order page required effective communication of information to the user such that he/she understands the information that is required to be entered. The next step was to design form elements that would collect data regarding the user’s preference of order properties for each of the processes used in the final demonstration. This involved having the user choose which of the four shapes would be drawn at 1 of the 4 positions on the work piece. Additionally, the user would have to choose whether or not to execute the second process in the demo. In order to aid user understanding, a combination of a single image and careful positioning of the radio button groups for each of the positions such that they corresponded with those in the image was used. Also, the choice to execute process 2 was placed apart from the choices for process 1 |
Once the user has placed the order, the web app sends this information to the control node using ROS. To enable this communication via ROS, a Javascript package called roslibjs was used. Using roslibjs, a connection with the computer hosting ROS over the default port 9090 was set up. Once a connection was established, the web app was able to create a new topic, “/ordered_item”, to which all orders could be posted to for the control node to access. |
For instance, if the user chose to draw a Pentagon, Triangle, Diamond and Square in positions 1-4 respectively and also requested that process 2 was executed, he/she would select these options and click the “Order Item” button. This calls the “itemOrder” function where the a jQuery call would find all input elements of type radio button, determine which choice was made for each grouping (using element IDs) and then feed the values of these choices into an array. The array elements (strings) are then sliced to extract the information and concatenated with additional information such as the user’s email, length of command data and checksum that is defined by the projects’s communications protocol. This packet data is then submitted to the “/ordered_item” topic, which the control node is a subscriber to. In order to show to the user that his/her button click and form submission has been registered and acted upon by the system, Javascript is used to alert the user that the order has been placed, along with a breakdown of the properties chosen: |
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By attaching the user’s email to the packet data, the system is able to associate each order with the user that placed it and thereby enable order tracking on the website as well as on the RFID tag attached to each workpiece. |
Track Order Page |
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The Track Order page is accessible from the Main Menu. However, with the aim of improving workflow in mind, it was decided that a button to navigate to the Track Order page should be placed on the Item Order page itself. This improved usability and overall experience by allowing the user to transition directly to the next step of the ordering process rather than having him/her go through the Main Menu. Care was taken to position this button on the right side of the screen, creating a visual cue that this was the next step in the process. Once again, these cues were part of intuitive design principles being implemented to ultimately decrease the training necessary before users can use the system. The order tracking page is an example of how the user interface is a useful component of the system when it is necessary to feedback pertinent information to the user. In this case, the user receives updates on his/her order in real time from the factory floor. Through this page, users have the ability to track multiple orders simultaneously in the case where more than one order was placed by the user. This real time tracking was made possible by having the UI node subscribing to an “/order_tracker” ROS topic that would be posted to by the control node as it received updates from other processing and transport nodes on the factory floor. This feature not only allows the feedback of information to the user, but also has the potential to increase worker efficiency and productivity as he/she no longer has to be present on the floor or at a particular machine simply to know what is happening. Because the web-app can be accessed anywhere within the factory over the intranet, the worker now has the advantage of starting and receiving updates on a process from his/her work desk while performing other tasks. |